Office365/ Exchange OAuth errors after replacing TLS certificate

A customer of mine asked for help to analyse a weird OAuth error. They are using a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Outlook plugin, which came up with an error:

"Can't connect to Exchange"

In addition to this, they also faced an issueaccessing shared calendars of Exchange Online mailboxes.

Clearly an OAuth error. So we ran the Hybrid Connection Wizard again, which finished without any errors. But the errors persisted. Next stop: OAuth configuration.

We logged into one of the Exchange servers, started an Exchange Management Shell and checked the current OAuth configuration:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-AuthConfig
RunspaceId : e7c560cd-8316-4d9c-b97d-f4358d665e7d
CurrentCertificateThumbprint : CA420022ACC542D3AF7598456615715E98FFE986
PreviousCertificateThumbprint : E7B56BEAF4704BCBBF8C297F1D8D000215679C6F
NextCertificateThumbprint :
NextCertificateEffectiveDate :
ServiceName : 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000
Realm :
DeploymentId :
IssuerIdentifier :
Name : Auth Configuration
AdminDisplayName :
ExchangeVersion : 0.20 (
DistinguishedName : CN=Auth Configuration,CN=EXORG,CN=Microsoft
Identity : Auth Configuration
Guid : 911b6246-6248-4278-91be-1b7b4943d2f1
ObjectCategory : mlnetwork.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auth-Auth-Config
ObjectClass : {top, container, msExchContainer, msExchAuthAuthConfig}
WhenChanged : 11.04.2020 12:33:12
WhenCreated : 27.02.2015 14:24:37
WhenChangedUTC : 11.04.2020 10:33:12
WhenCreatedUTC : 27.02.2015 13:24:37
OrganizationId :
Id : Auth Configuration
OriginatingServer : DC01.domain.tld
IsValid : True
ObjectState : Unchanged

The CurrentCertificateThumbprint was the thumbprint of the old certificate. So we had to update it.

Set-AuthConfig -NewCertificateThumbprint 45CCEEDFAAB00F3A4312FF56774FA3B3412B9C (get-date)  
Set-AuthConfig -PublishCertificate  
iisreset /noforce  
Set-AuthConfig -ClearPreviousCertificate

After the iisreset, the Dynamics plugin and the Exchange Online calendars started to work again.