
Tiny PowerShell/ Azure project: Deploy-AzureLab.ps1

One of my personal predictions for 2017 is, that Microsoft Azure will gain more market share. Especially here in Germany. Because of this, I have started to refresh my knowledge about Azure. A nice side effect is that I can also improve my PowerShell skills. Currently, the script creates a couple of VMs and resource groups. Nothing more, nothing less. The next features I want to add are: add additional disks to the DCs (for SYSVOL and NTDS) promote both two servers to domain controllers change the DNS settings for the Azure vNetwork deploy a Windows 10 client VM I created a new repository on GitHub and shared a first v0.

A brief introduction into Azure Automation

Automation is essential to reduce friction and to streamline operational processes. It’s indispensable when it comes to the automation of manual, error-prone and frequently repeated tasks in a cloud or enterprise environment. Automation is the key to IT industrialization. Azure Automation is used to automate operational processes withing Microsoft Azure. Automation account The very first thing you have to create is an Automation account. You can have multiple Automation accounts per subscription.

Certificate-based authentication of Azure Automation accounts

Before you can manage Azure services with Azure Automation, you need to authenticate the Automation account against a subscription. This authentication process is part of each runbook. There are two different ways to authenticate against an Azure subscription: Active Directory user Certificate If you want to use an Active Directory account, you have to create a credential asset in the Automation account and provide username and password for that Active Directory account.

Starting and stopping Azure VMs with Azure PowerShell

To be honest: I’m lazy and I have a wife and two kids. Therefore I have to minimize the costs of my lab. I have a physical lab at the office and some VMs running on Microsoft Azure. Azure is nice, because I only have to pay what I really use. And because I’m only paying the actual use, I start the VMs only when I need them. Inspired by this very handy Azure VM wakeup & shutdown script, I decided to write my own script (yes, I invented a wheel again…).

Connect an on-premises network to Microsoft Azure with a site-2-site VPN

Building networks in the cloud is sometimes hard to understand. A common mistake is to believe that all VMs can talk to another, regardless of the owner, and that all VMs are available over the internet. Some basics about Cloud Service Endpoints and Virtual Networks When we talk about Microsoft Azure, a Cloud Service Endpoint is the easiest way to access one or multiple VMs. A Cloud Service contains resources, like VMs, and it’s acting as a communication and security boundary.