
From Wordpress to Hugo in three days

This blog will mark its 10th anniversary in January 2024. A decade ago, I embarked on a new blogging journey with the domain Some of you might have known my former blog before I made the switch to I’d been running for over 7 years. However, by the end of 2013, I grew weary of Serendipity, a PHP-powered weblog engine. I craved a shift to Wordpress, but back then, a seamless migration path wasn’t available.

Wartungsfenster Podcast

Ausnahmsweise ein Blogpost in deutscher Sprache. Grund dafür ist, dass Claudia Kühn und ich seit Januar 2022 einen gemeinsamen Podcast rund um den Themenkomplex Datacenter, Cloud und IT ein. Eine lockere Kaminzimmerrunde in der wir entspannt über unseren Job, und alles was damit zu tun hat, plaudern. Patrick Terlisten/ Creative Commons CC0 Der Podcast erscheint alle zwei Wochen auf den üblichen Kanälen, oder ihr schaut auf der Homepage des Podcasts vorbei.

On the road to... nowhere?

Its been four month since my last blog post, and the blog frequency was quite low before that. This blog is, to be honest, a giant pile of stuff that has not worked as expected. Okay, some random thoughts or howto’s, but most blog posts are about stuff that failed in some way. That’s a bit “depressing”. I should write more about the fun things in my life For a pretty long time my focus was on infrastructure.

2016 - How did it go?

The year 2016 is coming to an end (thank god…). 2016 was a difficult year. One of my goals for 2016 was to write more PowerShell code and to learn Python. I missed both goals. But hey, at least I cleaned up my Git account.I renewed my VCP by passing VCP6 in the first attempt, and I took the VCP7-DTM beta exam (no results yet). Since I am not the guy who attends conferences, I was not attending VMworld in Barcelona or HPE Discover in London.

Top vBlog 2015: placed on #133

What a great show by Eric Siebert, David Davis, Simon Seagrave and their special guests Scott Davis from Infinio and John Troyer from TechReckoning! If you missed it, watch the recording! First, I want to thank Eric for his work. If you read tweets like these, you will get a bad conscience. This is the seventh year that Eric has organized and conducted the annual Top vBlog contest. He put so much work into this contest and this should be be recognized.

Top vBlog 2015 Contest has started

If you are a frequent reader of virtualization blogs, then you may have heard about the vLaunchPad. It lists hundreds of VMware & virtualization blogs, as well as links to resources and other material. The vLaunchPad is managed by Eric Siebert (@ericsiebert, and he organizes year for year the annual Top vBlog voting contest. This year the Top vBlog contest is sponsored by Infinio. In the 2014 voting my “old” blog was voted on place 292 of 320.

End-of-year review 2014

The days at the year’s end are usually the time to look back and to draw a resume. I blogged on for nearly 7 years, but in December 2013 I decided that it was time for a new beginning: New blog platform, new content, another language, but the same topics. In January 2014 I started Some statistics Until today, I wrote about 100 blog posts. According to Google Analytics, these are my Top 10 most visited blog posts for 2014:

Yet another blog...

… about virtualization, storage, networking and IT infrastructure in general. Is that really necessary? Yes! To be honest, this is my second attempt. I’m blogging for nearly seven years on It’s a well-frequented german blog with a strong focus on HP, Storage, DataCore, VMware and other technical topics. Blogging about technology you’re working with is a good way to share, recap and internalize knowledge. Sharing knowledge is a main driver of the scientific and IT community.